Alternate Therapy:
Glucosamine is an endogenous compound synthesized from sugar. It is an essential component for the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans
(GA Gs), important building blocks in the formation of connective tissues throughout the body.
Specifically in the cartilage,GA Gs complex with proteins to form proteoglycans. Proteoglycans are present as gel in
the cartilage and aid in the absorption of mechanical stress placed on the joint.
Glucosamine is available in the U.S. as a dietary supplement,and has gained some favor for the relief of pain associated
with OA. It is associated with few side effects,namely GI symptoms,and appears to be working for some people with OA. For
optimal efficacy,500 mg of glucosamine taken 3 times per day is needed,and it may take up to 4 to 6 months for full benefits
to be realized by the patient.
Although glucosamine is often combined with chondroitin,there is no evidence that supports any benefit of this combination
versus glucosamine alone.
So far glucosamine studies have been small and have lasted only a few weeks or months,furthermore,limited patients have
undergone trials. Scientist's know if the results from one study looking at the effects on a specific joint area can be applied
to other joints or all types of arthritis Although early works look promising further larger trials and testing is required.
Glucosamine may raise blood insulin level in patients with diabetes.
S-Adenosylmethionine,more commonly referred to as SAM-e, is getting increased recognition for the treatment of OA as
well as other conditions. First introduced to the U.S. market 2/99,as a dietary supplement,SAM-e is responsible for other
biochemical reactions.
It is a naturally occurring substance containing 2 amino acids and is found in almost all body tissues and fluids. It
acts as a methyl donor when it reacts with vitamin B12 and folic acid. Some evidence suggest that SAM-e may work as well as
NSAIDs for OA but with fewer side effects,and may stimulate cartilage growth.
The most common side effects of this therapy is nausea,especially with higher doses. There are no known drug interaction
with SAM-e and doses of 200 mg orally 3 times per day are needed for optimal effects.
Glucosamine and SAM-e as supplements are not federally regulated. The purity of content in the manufacturing process
by different manufacturers is of concern.
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an indusreial solvent similar to turpentine. Some people believe that DMSO can relieve pain
and reduce swelling when rubbed into the skin. Industrial grade DMSO,sold in hardware stores,contains poisonous contaminants,experts
don't recommend using this solvent.
It is important to note if alternate therapies are tried they should cause no harm to the patient or delay in time
in seeking appropriate medical aid. These therapies look promising but keep in mind that more rigourous and larger clinical
trials are needed before these therapies should be recommended on a widespread basis.
There has been a few small trials,but larger trials are needed and accuracy of claims by manufacturers verified-regeneration
of cartilage etc.
Patients with OA,especially of weight-bearing joints,who are overweight should be encouraged to lose weight and use assistive
devices,such as canes,grab bars,and splints.
Exercise also plays an important role in maintaining function and flexibility. Muscle conditioning to ease the burden
on weight-bearing joints is encouraged along with water exercise because of the lessening stress on muscle and joint in water.
Patients with severe disease and limitation in a joint may benefit from surgery.
Similar approaches should be used in patients with FM. Education about rest and sleep hygiene is imperlative due to the
high rate of sleep disturbance in this population.
Patients should not go overboard with activities on days when their disease is mild.
Cognitive behavior therapy and stress-reduction techniques may be beneficial in helping FM patients reduce stress.
Pain and stress go hand in hand. When you're in pain, you're less able to handle the stress of
everyday life. Common hassles turn into major obstacles. Stress may also cause you to do things that intensify your pain,
such as tense your muscles, grit your teeth and stiffen your shoulders. In short, pain causes stress, and stress intensifies
The first step in breaking this pain-stress cycle is to realize that stress is your response to an event, not the event
itself. It's something you can control. That's why events that are stressful for some people aren't for others. For example,
your morning commute may leave you anxious and tense because you use it as worry time. Your co-worker, however, finds her
commute relaxing. She enjoys her time alone without distractions. Understanding that you have control over your stress can
help you develop positive strategies for dealing with stress.
How you respond to stress: |
When you encounter stress, your body responds in a manner similar to a physical threat. It automatically gears up to face
the challenge or musters the strength necessary to get out of trouble's way. This fight-or-flight response results from a
release of hormones that causes your body to shift into overdrive. Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure increases
and your breathing quickens and becomes more shallow. Your nervous system also springs into action, causing your facial muscles
to tighten and your body to perspire more.
Stress can be negative or positive:
- Positive stress
provides a feeling of excitement and opportunity. Positive stress often helps athletes
perform better in competition than in practice. Other examples of positive stress include a new job or birth of a child.
- Negative stress
occurs when you feel out of control or under constant or intense pressure. You may
have trouble concentrating, or you may feel alone. Family, finances, work, isolation and health problems, including pain,
are common causes of negative stress.
Continued stress can have a negative effect on your health. In addition to the strain it puts on your cardiovascular system,
the hormone cortisol released during stress may suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to infection and
disease. Stress can also cause headaches and worsen intestinal problems and asthma.
Stress is often associated with situations or events that you find difficult to handle. How you view things also affects
your level of stress. If you have unrealistic or high expectations, chances are you'll experience more than your fair share
of stress.
Take some time to think about what causes you stress. Your stress may be linked to external factors, such as:
- Community
- Unpredictable events
- Environment
- Work
- Family
Stress can also come from internal factors, such as:
- Irresponsible behavior
- Poor health habits
- Negative attitudes and feelings
- Unrealistic expectations
- Perfectionism
Jot down what seem to be sources of stress for you. And then ask yourself if there's anything you can do to lessen or avoid
them. There are some stressors you can control and some you can't. Concentrate on events you can change. For situations that
are beyond your control, look for ways to adapt — to remain calm under trying circumstances.
Strategies for reducing stress |
It's one thing to be aware of stress in your daily life, but it's another to know how to change it. As you look through
your list of stressors, think carefully about why they're so bothersome. For example, if your busy day is a source of stress,
ask yourself if it's because you tend to squeeze too many things into your day or because you aren't organized.
The following techniques can help you reduce those sources of stress you can control and better cope with those you can't.
Consider these changes to your normal routine:
- Plan your day. This can help you feel more in control of your life. You might start by getting
up 15 minutes earlier to ease the morning rush. Do unpleasant tasks early in the day and be done with them. Keep a written
schedule of your daily activities so that you're not faced with conflicts or last-minute rushes. Because a pain flare-up can
happen at any time, have a backup plan — decide what you can do now and what can wait.
- Simplify your schedule.
Prioritize, plan and pace yourself. Learn to delegate responsibility to
others at home and at work. Say no to added responsibilities or commitments if you're not up to doing them. And try not to
feel guilty if you aren't productive every waking moment.
- Get organized.
Organize your home and work space so that you know where things are. Keep your house,
car and personal belongings in working order to prevent untimely and stressful repairs.
- Take breaks. Take time to relax, stretch or walk periodically during the day.
- Exercise regularly.
Regular physical activity helps loosen your muscles and relieves emotional intensity.
Try to exercise for a total of at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
- Get enough sleep.
This can give you the energy you need to face each day. Going to sleep and awakening
at a consistent time also may help you sleep more soundly.
- Eat well.
A diet that includes a variety of foods provides the right mix of nutrients to keep your
body systems working well. When you're healthy, you're better able to control stress and pain.
- Change the pace.
Occasionally break away from your routine and explore new territory without a schedule.
Take a vacation, even if it's just a weekend getaway.
- Be positive.
There's no room for "Yes, but .... " Avoiding negative self-talk can be difficult.
It helps to spend time with people who have a positive outlook and a sense of humor. Laughter actually helps ease pain. It
releases endorphins — chemicals in your brain that give you a sense of well-being.
- Stay connected.
Recognize when you need the support of family and friends. Talking about your problems
with others can often relieve pent-up emotions and lead to solutions you hadn't thought of on your own.
- Be patient.
Realizing that improvements in your health may take time can help reduce anxiety and
Relief through relaxation |
You can't avert all sources of stress, such as an unexpected visit from family or friends or a problem at work. But you
can modify how you react to these situations by practicing relaxation techniques. Relaxation can help relieve the stress that
aggravates chronic pain. It also helps prevent muscle spasms and reduces muscle tension.
Relaxation won't cure your pain, but it can:
- Reduce anxiety and conserve energy
- Increase your self-control when dealing with stress
- Help you recognize the difference between tense muscles and relaxed ones
- Help you physically and emotionally handle your daily demands
- Help you remain alert, energetic and productive
Keep in mind, though, that the benefits of relaxation are only as good as your efforts. Learning to relax takes time.
There are many ways to relax, so pick the ones that work best for you.
- Deep breathing. Unlike children, most adults breathe from their chest. Each time you breathe
in, your chest expands, and each time you breathe out, it contracts. Children, however, generally breathe from their diaphragm
— the muscle that separates their chest from their abdomen. Deep breathing from your diaphragm — which adults
can relearn — is relaxing. It also exchanges more carbon dioxide for oxygen, which gives you more energy. Try to incorporate
20 minutes of deep breathing every day for good health, not just when you're stressed.
- Progressive muscle relaxation.
This technique involves relaxing a series of muscles one at a time.
First, raise the tension level in a group of muscles, such as in a leg or an arm, by tightening the muscles and then relaxing
them. Concentrate on letting the tension go in each muscle. Then move on to the next muscle group. Be careful, though, not
to tense muscles near your pain sites.
- Word repetition.
Choose a word or phrase that is a cue for you to relax, and then repeat it. While
repeating the word or phrase, try to breathe deeply and slowly and think of something that gives you pleasant sensations of
warmth and heaviness.
- Guided imagery.
Also known as visualization, this method of relaxation involves lying quietly and
picturing yourself in a pleasant and peaceful setting. You experience the setting with all of your senses, as if you were
actually there. For instance, imagine lying on the beach. Picture the beautiful blue sky, smell the salt water, hear the waves
and feel the warm breeze on your skin. The messages your brain receives as you experience these senses help you relax.
The following tips will help you grow accustomed to relaxing:
- Practice. If relaxation is new to you, you may not notice immediate benefits. In fact, you may
feel uncomfortable at first. Work on your relaxation skills at least once or twice a day until they come naturally. When you're
beginning, a quiet place and a relaxation tape often help.
- Get comfortable.
Loosen tight clothing and remove your shoes and belt, if necessary.
- Vary your schedule. Practice relaxation at different times throughout the day. The idea is to
learn how to relax whenever you need to.
- Be patient.
A wandering mind is normal when you start out. Just keep bringing your attention back
to relaxation.