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Macrophages ( magnified 250,000 times through an electron microscope ) constitute just one battalion in the remarkable army our bodies marshall in our defense against a teaming host of bacterial and viral invaders that constantly threaten to overcome us. We call this unseen army the immune sytem. Against most ordinary foes,such as cold viruses and minor bacterial infections,the immune system is a good protector.
Pitted against more insidious foes,like cancer and AIDs,its's often overwhelmed. And,in some conditions,known as autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against us and attacks our own health cells,which is what happens in such forms of arthritis as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis amongst others.
Blood is the battlefield where the immune system plies its trade. Pulsing through the average adult's circulatory system ( a complex network of viens, arteries, and capillaries ) are about five-and-a-half quarts of red tide - "the vital force of life" . Our understanding of the blood's intricate role in our affairs ( among other things,it transports nutrients and hormonal messengers, hauls waste,clots wounds,and fights viral and bacterial infections ) only really began with the invention of the microscope in the 16 th century.
Known to scientists as erythrocytes,these tiny cells constitute about 45 % of the blood. Their job is to haul oxygen from the lungs to each of the body's 60 trillion cells via an iron-containing protein called hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen molecules released from the lungs ( a process called oxgenation ) to form a loose,unstable compound called oxyhemoglobin.
Whenever one of these oxygenerated red cells encounters another of the body's cells that "gasping for air ",it releases its oxygen in exchange for the depleted cell's carbon dioxide,which it then carries back to the lungs to be exhaled.
Red cells,though,don't have any direct involvement with the immune system;that's the province of white blood cells ( leukocytes) ,600 times fewer than their red kin. There are 5 types:Eosinophils and basophils,neutrofils and monocytes,and lymphocytes.
Eosinophils and basophils are key players in inflammatory and allergic reactions,while neutrophils and monocytes are constantly engaged in phagocytosis ( its root means "too eat" ),an apt description of how these cells dine on foreign invaders,dead cells,and the daily accumulation of other biological debris.
Billions of these phagocytes (cell eaters ) are produced in the bone marrow every day,from whence they travel through the circulatory system.the body's tissues and organs,engulfing and breaking down captured materials.
Neutrophils are relatively short-lived. Not so monocytes triggered by chemicals exuded by abacteria or dying cells (chemotaxis ),monocytes puff like fat men at a feast,balloning to 10 times their former size to become lurching macrophages,literally "big eaters" .
They live for years,and in the face of an otherwise unmanageable foe, they can fuse together to form giant cells or swell their numbers by reproducing.
Lymphocytes,comprising about 25 % of all white blood cells,are the front-line soldiers in the immune system.  Unlike other white blood cells that "crawl" through the blood stream,most lymphocytes ( which are derived from parent cells in bone marrow called stem cells ) take up residence in body tissues,especially lymphatic tissue
From here,things get complicated,but a deeper understanding of the immune system will help a more active role in our treatment.

An antigen is any substance,usually a bacterium or a virus,that "turns on" the immune response. This response ( its often referred to as "the immune cascade" ) consists of two main components: humoral immunity  and cell-mediated immunity.
To understand the difference, we have to go back to lymphocytes,of which there are two basic types, B cells,which mature in bone marrow,and T cells,which undergo further differentiation in the thymus,a small gland directly beneath the breastbone. B cells are the agents of humoral immunity; T cells are the agents of cell-mediated immunity.
Both systems can be activated by the presence of antigens. In humoral immunity,B cells produce one of the body's most potent weapons against invaders,protein antibodies composed of gamma globulins,also known as immunoglobulins. Antibodies are target specific;i.e.,each type binds to and destroys only one specific antigen.
For example,an antibody that attacks enterococci bacteria will ignore a flu virus,and vice versa. In fact,the 10 trillion B cells we each cart about in our blood are capable of fabricating more than 100 million distinct antibodies at any one time,each composed of four tiny protein chains.
They form Y-shaped sites ( two to an antibody ) expressed on the cell membrane as receptor molecules. When a receptor recognizes its antigen,the enemy it was specifically created in the bone marrow to attack,the antibody binds to the antigen,causing the B cell to proliferate in a "clonal-selection process" that produces a variety of deadly progeny,both more B cells and free-wheeling antibodies.
These proteins don't destroy foreign organismisms themselves;they merely "mark" the invader chemically for destruction by other elements of the immune system
One of the most potent of these is complement,a brigade of enzymes that fracture in response to the chemical signals that are emitted when an antibody binds to an antigen. The fragments thus created also bind to the antigen in a precise sequence;once the last one is in place,the enzyme act like chemical dynamite and literally blow the antigen up.
In addition to attracting complement,antibody-antigen groupings,called immune complexes,draw any nearby macrophages,which require little prompting to dig in a big meal. Immune complexes can also bind with other antigens or proteins or even other antibodies ( a process called agglutination ),serving larger dishes to patrolling macrophages and neutrophils.

Cell-mediated immunity can be roused into action by B cell activity which divide and differentiate into plasma cells that secreate antibody proteins,soluable forms of their receptors that bind to antigens,either neutralization them or precipitating their destruction by scavenging cells,such as macrophages. ( The response of phagocytes to foreign invaders is a non-specific immunity,they eat any material they encounter .)
Macrophages and B cells activate T cells in a similar fashion: They break the antigen they've engulfed into tiny fragments ( called antigenic peptides  ),which are joined to molecules called major histocompatibility complex ( MHC-a group of closely linked genes ) and transported to the surface of the cell,where they're placed on display,so to speak.
T cells have receptor molecules on their surfaces that are capable of recognizing portions of different antigenic peptide-MHC combinations. When they  do,they leap into action,producing lymphokines,chemical messengers that stir up other elements of the immune system, including  more B cells and macrophages.
T lymphocytes are if anything even more important to the immune response thean B cells. Even if all the body's B lymphocytes were healthy and active,without T cells an effective immune respose would be impossible.
Unlike B cells there are three types of T cells,whose only apparent difference is function; The first,known as CD-8-killer,or "cytotoxic"-cells bind directly into the antigen,inflicting a fatal wound upon it. Exactly how it knocks off its victims isn't clear,but the process is probably closer to the enzyme action of complement than the devouring and destroy technique favoured by the macrophages.
The second type CD-4,or helper cells are activated by an antigen to stimulate the production of vast numbers of lymphokines that in turn accelerte the production of vast numbers of lymphokines that in turn accelerate the production of other elements,such as B cells and other T cells specific to the triggering antigen,thus promoting inflammation.
T helper cells may be the big guns in the immune system,since even one helper cell can activate hundreds of B cells and macrophages by releasing its lymphokines ( which include various interleukins, interferon -gamma,tumor necrosis factor,or TNF,colony stimulating factor, lymphotoxin, and T-cell replacement factor ).
One type of lymphokine activates B cells and macrophages;another behaves as a "migration inhibition factor" that orders lymphocytes to remain on the job. Others kill adjacent infected cells or broaden the immune response of lymphocytes to include different target antigen. by contrast,suppresor T cells,as their name suggests,have the opposite effect-damping down B and T cells.
A select number of both B and T cells remain in the blood long after the invader has been destroyed to serve as "memory" cells: lymphocytes that will quickly mount an attack ( in 4 to 5 days ) on any subsequent invasion by the same antigen. These memory cells are the basis of "bestowed" immunity that results from an infection or vaccination.
All this activity characterizes the immune system when its working properly.

Autoimmune Disease Disorders:
In so-called autoimmune disorders various players in the immune defense fail to make the crucual distinction between self and nonself There are a wide variety of autoimmune disorders,affecting some 5 % of all Western adults,including mutiple sclerosis,Graves' disease,insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,and a range of arthritis related conditions that include rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis,scleroderma,Sjogren's syndrome and lupus.
The immune system can turn against the body in a number of ways. For example,if too much interleukin 2 (IL-2 )is secreated,for as yet unnknown reasons,the T suppresor cells will fail to curtail the immune response after the antigen is destroyed,;eaving healthy tissue under continued attack from its own defence forces.
Often,because an infection often precedes the onset of an autoimmune disease,scientists have long suspected that autoimmunity could be triggered by a virus or bacteria in people with a predisposition to a certain disease.
Normally,a pathogen invades the body,and the immune system doesn't stop,turning on its own body's cells,perhaps to "molecular mimicry". Some viruses and bacteria are evidently able to fool the body into granting them free access because they contain stretches of amino acids ( the building blocks of proteins ) that looks kike cells in the body. After responding to the invding virus or bacteria,the immune system is then primed to attack the corresponding body component
Research studies have shown links to molecular mimicry and immune response in rheumatic fever and RA. However,not everyone infected with a microbe mimic will develop the corresponding disease,evidently because not everyone has exactly the same HLA ( human lymphocyte antigen,a set of MHC genes on the surface of all human cells that identifies them to the immune system as "self".
HLA molecules determine which fragments of a captured antigen are displayed on the surface of a macrophage to stimulate T cells to react.) One individual's HLA structure may bind an antigen that mimics body cells so that it can be "displayed" for destruction by the immune system whereas another may bind an antigen fragment that's unique to the pathogen:  It doesn't mimic "self".
In both instances,the immune system is mobilized and the pathogen attacked,but in the latter case the immune cascade knows when to stop-when the pathogen has been eradicated.
Nine out of ten people with ankylosing spondylitis (AS),for example, have the genetic marker HLA-B27,compared to about one in twelve people in the normal population,but some people who don't have the marker still develop the disease,and some people who do have it don't develop AS.
In other words,when it comes to HLA and immune response,everyone's different. It's known,for example,that people who carry the HLA molecule designated DR4 are about six times more likely to develop RA than people who don't,but not everyone who has HLA DR4 does develop RA.
Even identical twins don't always react the same way. And in lupus,which has been associated with certain HLA types,only about one out of four twins of people with the disease also develop lupus. When they do,their B cells produce an abnormal amount of antibodies that swamp the suppressor function and attck the body's own tissues. Why is a hotly debated question.
Despite the gaps in understanding,much has been learned in recent years as a result of the pressing need to understnd how the immune system works and how it sometimes fails to ward off disease. This has led to the creation of new labs and countless new research teams. While many are engaged in work that has no direct bearing on arthritis,any advance made in one area almost envitably leads to gain in others